Paul Ripley is a living legend in driver coaching. He specialises in all aspects of advanced and high performance driving, from fleet and EV driver safety, to tailored courses for the private car enthusiasts and specialist coaching for OEM test drivers and development engineers. Paul also hosts engaging talks and presentations and acts as a consultant to high profile global brands, TSP's and insurers.
Read and listen to a globally recognised, multi award winning driving expert who writes and talks about a variety of diverse and entertaining driving subjects.
#Podcast is called "PaulRipleyonDriving" it's coming soon!
Driving Masterclass provides significant expertise in fleet and EV driving safety and driver risk management processes. This includes driving the supremely quick electric high performance cars and obtaining better mileage between charges. Plus we also have many years of expertise in enriching and enhancing telematics 'data' to deliver expert driver behaviour coaching and feedback, that is proven to lower crash causation and loss ratio, whilst improving overall driver engagement and fleet safety.
With over 30 years of experience in this sector, we offer highly specialised driver training courses for test drivers, development engineers and ride and handling teams, for many vehicle manufacturers on a global scale.
High Performance Driving Expertise Delivered!
Paul has been called an expert, an innovator, an industry guru and a game changer which are all quite fitting, especially when his unique experience, reputation and services are trusted by an astonishing array of the world’s top companies, organisations and prominent car manufacturers.
Paul is one of the worlds leading high performance driver MASTER COACHES for those who drive the worlds fastest cars on road, race circuit or proving grounds and those who want to improve their own performance behind the wheel.
In spite of the many 'titles' bestowed on Paul over the years - such as "God's Chauffeur" -"The Driving Doctor" and finally "The Murray Walker of High Performance Driving" it all comes down to 'WHY' so many leading car makers, related automotive brands and his private clients, trust his expertise and experience to deliver exceptional results. These include the globally recognised companies detailed below and many more!
Paul's High Performance Driving Story
Paul’s Ripley’ stellar career in high performance driver training and coaching is littered with remarkable expertise and many significant accolades, awards and industry leading highlights.
Experience the 'best of the best' and learn from one of the world’s top driver coaches – the man who trains test drivers!
With his impeccable track record and impressive experience of coaching the world’s best drivers, these live events, dynamic talks and coaching experiences on road, circuit and proving ground, are not to be missed! Unlock your true driving potential and join one of Paul's exclusive Performance Driving MASTERCLASS programmes today!
On his talks, Paul will open YOUR driving know-how and capabilities and extend the art of the possible. Be part of his wisdom and expertise whilst enjoying his well-honed engagement skills and learn from his remarkable experiences and industry leading background.
YOUR driving transformation starts by booking your place on his next Driving Masterclass. So, mark your calendar and join us as we delve deeply into the captivating world of high-performance driving and get ready to discover the immense potential of your own driving skills and capabilities, so YOU can harness the power to propel yourself into a complete high-performance driver, you always wanted to be!
Remember; you don’t need a car capable of 200mph to be a brilliantly skilled driver – not everything is about the car, it’s about the person behind the wheel … YOU!
Learn from the MASTER – an experience you’ll never forget and want to come back for more! Book your place today!
Paul often features on national and international TV Networks.
Paul is known to be the 'pace setter' and leading global expert in the world of safe High Performance Driving and his industry accomplishments and accreditations are probably unmatched.
You're in expert hands with Paul Ripley - The MASTER COACH!
DVSA ADI, DIA Diploma Di, RoSPA ADA Gold, MDG Grade 1, RoSPA ADA Diploma, C&G 730 Teaching Diploma, HPC, MDG Diploma, IAM, DVSA Grade One Cardington Advanced Test, Mercedes Benz NATO Advanced Chauffeur Course, MDG Masters Degree (Human and Behavioural Safety), Performance Coaching Master Diploma (SJW), Royal Carmen of London Diploma, (Royal Logistics Corps).
In a multi-award winning stellar career, Paul and has been presented with many industry accolades and awards for his unparalleled success in the high performance driving industry;
He has received many iconic awards such as:
HRH Prince Michael Road Safety Award
BRAKE - Innovative Safety Product 2018
Royal Logistics Corp - Royal Carmen of London Diploma for Road Safety
BRAKE - Best Fleet Safety Product 2019
Business Car Techies Award 2018
Webfleet Best Innovation Partner 2020
Over the years Paul has written for many leading motoring and driving publications because they trust his expertise and he has become a leading authority on all aspects of driving safety and in particular all aspects of high performance driving using the worlds fastest cars in every environment imaginable.
Paul is the published author of the highly acclaimed
advanced driving book aptly titled "EXPERT DRIVING"
and also wrote, amongst many other publications, a
weekly driver safety coulmn for The Daily Telegraph
for nearly a decade.